What It Truly Takes To Be Successful At What You Love with Erin Molan - 024

Erin Molan

100 applications and no job offers.

That's one of just many obstacles today's special guest, Erin Molan, faced along her path to building a successful career as a journalist and host on national TV & radio networks.

As this week is International Women's Week, I invited Erin on the show to share her journey of sleeping in her car and juggling multiple jobs to make ends meet, through to becoming one of Australia's most in-demand women in the media industry.

Her courage, grit and grace are just some of the reasons I hugely admire Erin - and am sure by the end of today's episode, you will too!

There’s no thing you can’t achieve through
hardwork and commitment.

And there’s no person you can’t be kind to
if you choose to be.
— Kate Fitzsimons

Erin also holds a special place in my heart as she also worked with my sister, Nicole, on the Channel 9 Footy Show before my sister passed away in 2012. During our darkest hours Erin gave our family the most amazing support, and 7 years on she’s still continuing to do the same. So not only is this woman brave, she is kind and giving in ways that make this world a better place.

Erin, just like all other brave and kind women, are worthy of celebrating this week - and every week!

Don’t forget:

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Supporting A Friend Through Their First Month of Grief - 025


Failing In Public: Overcoming Humiliation With Humility - 022